Reasons To Keep Going

14 06 2016

We found out last week that one of our previous residents was found dead in a motel room. He had been with us for years and was a great part of the team. Death is hard no matter what. My first thoughts were, “It didn’t have to be that way.” and “I hated that he died alone.”  God reminded me that we had three years to pour into him, love him, and teach him the Word and that labor was not in vain. People always throw around the phrase, “Well, at least they are in a better place” when someone dies,  and never really know if they are. But with him, I believe he really got it. Even though he didn’t end his life in the freedom God offers, I know that nothing can separate us from His love.  We never know anyone’s salvation for sure- only God does. Choosing to hold onto that truth and to keep moving forward with those in our care right now.

God has a way of bringing beauty and joy in the midst of sadness. This week, we blessed five people out who graduated and were moving onto their own houses, jobs, and new seasons. Five people in one week! I’ve never seen that before. Because our residents can stay as long as they need to, we never know when they will be moving forward. Our goal is to set them up for success so that they don’t have to go back to old habits or lifestyles.  Some had been with us for a short time and others for years. It was God screaming louder than the sadness of losing a brother saying, “Look! Lives are being transformed! People are being healed and set free. Together we are assisting people in moving them forward. Do not grow weary in doing good. The labor is NOT in vain!” He is so kind. He doesn’t have to do that but He does. He promises to be near the brokenhearted and save the crushed in spirit. He brings encouragement when you need it. He gives reasons to keep going when it would be easy to throw in the towel and think all efforts are wasted. If you are hurting, or grieving, or heavy burdened I pray He gives you reasons to be encouraged. There is much to be thankful for….no matter what is going on in our lives. May your eyes be opened and may you stay steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! Don’t give up. There are reasons to keep going….





2 responses

14 06 2016
Joe Pitts

Amen sister, all we can do is our part and we a not held responsible for others decisions , we just keep pointing them in His direction

14 06 2016
Cathy Brown

I continue to keep you in my prayers. You are such a blessing to so many!

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